The Juggler With The Yellow Shoes

Dan Kirk – Family Entertainer & Educational Assembly Presenter

I was 16 years old when the juggling bug bit me. It came in the form of a television commercial which showed two guys passing cans of frozen orange juice in a juggling pattern. I thought that it would be cool to learn to juggle.

During the summer after my sophomore year in high school, I had my chance. I was hanging out with the neighbor kids in their basement when one of my older friends was showing my brother how to juggle. “I want to do that!”

And juggle I did! I learned how in about 15 minutes. I made 10 throws and 10 catches within that time. I was hooked. I went home and found some tennis balls to practice with. I learned with golf balls. Golf balls hurt when they hit you.

That first week I counted my throws so I could set goals and beat my previous high score each day. By the end of the week I was up over 100 so I decided I could stop counting. I counted a lot as I learned other tricks as well. How many times can I throw behind my back without dropping? Or how many times can I throw a ball under my leg? etc.

Juggling was a fun hobby. I mostly kept it to myself. I was embarrassed by a teacher in front of my class in 7th grade and after that incident I became very anxious and nervous when in front of people. I avoided being in the spot light at all costs. That included in school . I had to participate in class so I would only raise my hand when I new my answer to be 100%.

I went to college to become a chemist. That way I could work in a lab alone. Eventually I got a degree in graphic arts at the local technical college. I enjoyed the graphic arts. But I got laid off again and again. After a permanent layoff I asked God what I should do with my life. God said, “Be a juggler.”. With God’s advice I faced my fears and put together a routine. I worked as a waiter to force myself to approach strangers and serve them. I did a guest DJ spot on WIXX. I had so much anxiety I almost couldn’t speak. The other DJ had to bail me out. Once I got going I was actually pretty good. I had started training in the martial arts to help me build confidence. It worked.

I found some yellow shoes on sale at the Fox River Mall. I bought them and decided I’d wear them whenever I’d perform. That became my trade mark. I’ve been performing full-time as The Juggler With The Yellow Shoes for over 25 years now. Wow, crazy is time!

So why do I perform. Firstly, it was an answer to a prayer. What should I do with my life? I also perform because I do enjoy creating laughter and smiles. Plus I really enjoy being in schools and leaving a lesson behind. Hopefully what I share can change someone’s life for the better. I also like to be an example of what someone with social anxiety disorder can accomplish. I fight anxiety on almost a daily basis. It’s kind of a secret I’m telling more lately. My wife didn’t even know how much I struggle with it. It’s time to share.

 The Juggler With The Yellow Shoes

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